When the body does not respond properly to insulin, Type 2 Diabetes results.
The majority of people with diabetes have Type 2 Diabetes. (Also known as Mature Onset Diabetes) This form of diabetes usually occurs in people aged over 30 years, but it can occur in overweight teenagers and even young children with a family history of diabetes.
Type 2 Diabetes is a rapidly increasing problem in the “western world”, which if unchecked will lead to massive healthcare burdens.
Type 2 Diabetes Complications
People with Type 2 Diabetes are more likely to be overweight and carry excess weight around the waist and also have high blood pressure. They are also more likely to have raised cholesterol levels and face a significantly higher risk for heart disease, stroke, and other serious health complications.
For Type 2 Diabetes sufferers, insulin is still produced by the pancreas, but it is less effective than normal. Their bodies have an Insulin Resistance which is an inherited characteristic that is compounded if the people are overweight or carry excessive body fat.
Because insufficient insulin is available for glucose to move from the blood stream into the body cells and the liver, excess glucose remains in the blood stream resulting in a higher than normal blood glucose level (BGL).
Symptoms Elusive
After several years of Type 2 Diabetes, the cells in the pancreas may become exhausted and produce less insulin. However, unless blood glucose levels are very high, no unusual symptoms may appear and few if any symptoms of diabetes may be present. As a result, many people with Type 2 Diabetes are not aware that they even have diabetes.
If any symptoms do occur, then these are usually increased levels of thirst, tiredness, and/or frequent urination. Some people experience other symptoms, such as blurred vision, thrush infections, and sometimes weight loss.
The first line of attack against Type 2 Diabetes is regular exercise and diet. However, tablets and eventually insulin injections may be needed as the disease progresses.
The main trigger for Type 2 Diabetes is allowing your blood glucose levels to become too high or too low. Failure to regularly monitor your blood glucose levels can cause this, as can eating the wrong types of foods or eating too much of the wrong types of foods.
Sweets, cake, biscuits, chocolate, and similar foods are particularly dangerous for Type 2 Diabetes sufferers because they are high in sugar which will be absorbed by the body and cause an increase in the already high blood glucose level, compounding the problems and issues caused by the condition.
Link To Parkinson’s?
A recently released study by Finnish researchers shows there is a significant correlation between Diabetes Type 2 and Parkinson’s Disease. According to Biopeer.com:
“The researchers found that the Parkinsons patients had a two-fold chance of developing diabetes than the healthier patients. They also found that the patients with type 2 diabetes had an 83 per cent greater chance of having Parkinsons in the future. They blamed this association to the excess weight that the diabetes patients were likely to have.”
Last Updated on November 14, 2022