Depending on the language used, different brain regions were activated in bilingual test subjects calculating math problems, new research from University of Luxembourg has shown.
We can intuitively recognize small numbers up to four; however, when calculating, we depend on the assistance of language. This presents a fascinating research question: How do multilingual people solve arithmetical tasks in different languages of which they have fluency?
The question is not a trivial one, as an increasingly globalized job market and accelerated migration means that increasing numbers of people seek work and study outside of their native linguistic areas.
Addition In French
The issue was investigated by a research team led by Dr Amandine Van Rinsveld and Professor Dr Christine Schiltz at the University of Luxembourg. For the purpose of the study, the researchers recruited subjects with Luxembourgish as their mother tongue, who successfully completed their schooling in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and continued their academic studies in francophone universities in Belgium.
Thus, the study subjects mastered both the German and French languages perfectly. As Luxembourger students, they took maths classes in primary schools in German and then in secondary schools in French.
In two separate test situations, the study participants solved very simple and slightly more complex addition tasks, both in German and French. It became evident that the subjects were able to solve simple addition tasks equally well in both languages.
However, for complex addition in French, they required more time than with an identical task in German. Moreover, they made more errors when attempting to solve tasks in French.
Contrasting Brain Regions
During the tests, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to measure the brain activity of the subjects. This demonstrated that, depending on the language used, different brain regions were activated.
With addition tasks in German, a small speech region in the left temporal lobe was activated. Solving complex calculation tasks in French activated additional parts of the subjects’ brains responsible for processing visual information.
However, during the complex calculations in French, the subjects additionally fell back on figurative thinking.
The experiments do not provide any evidence that the subjects translated the tasks they were confronted with from French into German in order to solve the problem. While the test subjects were able to solve German tasks on the basis of the classic, familiar numerical-verbal brain areas, this system proved insufficiently viable in the second language of instruction, in this case, French.
To solve the arithmetic tasks in French, the test subjects systematically relied on other thought processes not observed so far in monolingual persons.
The study does, however, document for the first time, with the help of brain activity measurements and imaging techniques, the demonstrable cognitive “extra effort” required for solving arithmetic tasks in the second language of instruction. The research results clearly show that calculation processes are directly affected by language.
- Amandine Van Rinsveld et al.
Mental arithmetic in the bilingual brain: Language matters
Neuropsychologia (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.05.009
Last Updated on October 5, 2023