First Trimester
The most crucial time in pregnancy is the first trimester. It carries the highest risk of miscarriage and this is when all the developing body systems in the baby are formed. By the end of this trimester your baby will be no more than 4 inches long and only weigh an ounce. Amazingly enough most of the major organs are formed and working. The heart is beating and the baby has fingers and toes.
Make sure you are eating well and try to take in an extra 300 calories a day to maintain and gain the right amount of weight and for good pregnancy nutrition. You will only see a 3-4 pound weight gain during this trimester and some women actually lose weight. You may not look pregnant yet, but you probably sure feel pregnant.
Hormones probably have you plagued with a variety of maladies at this point. You have probably asked your self several times why you wanted to get pregnant in the first place. Most of your side effects are hormonal now and most people don’t even know you are pregnant.
Common First Trimester Conditions
Morning Sickness and Nausea
Mood Swings
Food Aversions and Cravings
Prenatal Supplements
Second Trimester
Now that you have survived the first trimester you are headed into the pregnancy bliss zone. Miscarriage risk has plummeted and you are probably feeling less anxious at this point. The plagues of morning sickness, constipation, and tiredness have begun to go away and you will find you have more energy. You will start to gain about a pound per week. Your baby is growing and maturing all its organ systems into perfection.
Your appetite has probably come back now that the morning sickness has died down, but be careful to not over indulge. You don’t want to gain too much, that is just more work for you when the baby comes.
Make sure you do Kegel exercises every day. This will keep the pelvic floor muscles toned and in shape for birth. It will also help decrease your risk of incontinence as pregnancy progresses. All you have to do is squeeze the muscles in your vagina like you are trying to hold back urine. Hold them for about 5-7 seconds and then release, do this as much as you like and it truly does help.
Kegels will also help tone the vagina up after birth and increases sexual pleasure. The benefits are numerous. Make sure you get plenty of exercise, such as walking or yoga; this will help keep you in shape and prepare for childbirth.
Common Second Trimester Conditions
● Allergies
● Bleeding Gums/Nosebleeds
● Blood Sugar Imbalance
● Hemorrhoids and Varicose Veins
Third Trimester
This is the growth phase of pregnancy. The baby will be perfectly formed and will be focusing on gaining fat under its skin. This fat will help the baby maintain its body heat outside the womb and offer padding during delivery. Most babies gain half of their birth weight during this time.
Now is a time to focus on labor and delivery, as you are now probably sick of being pregnant and it is getting more uncomfortable by the day. Sluggish metabolism leads to an accumulation of extracellular water, which, in turn, causes edema.
This is to be expected during pregnancy. At this point you’ll be carrying a heavy and awkward load. With the baby running out of room, you may find you are having some difficulties breathing. You may also find sleep hard as you can’t get very comfortable at this point. Try to rest as much as you can and take naps if need be.
You are also probably dealing with heartburn even more now that the baby is so big. You can minimize acid reflux or heartburn by eating small, regular meals, chewing food thoroughly, and eating slowly.
Make sure you sit upright for at least 30 minutes after finishing any meal. This will cut down on the heartburn. Also try antacids; they can really be your best friends now.
Common Third Trimester Conditions
●Lack of Appetite
●Shortness of Breath/Fatigue
●Indigestion and Heartburn
●High Blood Pressure
Last Updated on November 10, 2022