Sleep is vital in maintaining normal bodily functions. The amount of sleep needed by a person usually depends on his or her age and health status. Hence, the length of slumber needed by a child differ from the sleep requirement of an adult.
Disorders that affect the sleeping pattern can easily take its toll on the persons cognitive abilities, emotions, social behavior, and physical well-being. For this reason, it is important to identify the existence of a sleep disorder and treat the syndrome accordingly.
Ignoring the symptoms and improper management of the disorder may lead to further complications and a substantial decline in normal bodily processes.
What is Long Sleeper Syndrome?
Long Sleeper Syndrome basically falls under the category of proposed sleep disorders. The reason for this classification is the lack of information that usually supports a standard diagnosis for a typical sleep disorder.
At present, it is still indefinite whether Long Sleeper Syndrome is an proper sleep disorder or not. Some studies, on the other hand, view the syndrome as merely an extreme in the normal range of sleep functions.
In Long Sleeper Syndrome, the body requires a longer period of slumber before it could actually restore lost energy and feel refreshed. The structure and quality of sleep is typically normal.
The distinctive deviation lies in the number of hours spent in slumber. As a result, people suffering from this kind of syndrome are in need of more sleep compared to the conventional sleeping patterns of normal individuals.
Studies have shown the incidence of Long Sleeper Syndrome in approximately 2% of the population. Men have a higher propensity of exhibiting such condition compared to women.
In most cases, Long Sleeper Syndrome begins at an early age and persists throughout the persons life.
Be that as it may, early detection may not be easy in childhood since kids typically sleep longer than adults. In addition, children are also given more freedom to sleep for lengthy periods of time. Because of these factors, the exact onset of symptoms is often unidentified.
Symptoms Of Long Sleeper Syndrome
People who suffer from Long Sleeper Syndrome need to sleep longer than is normally required to replenish the bodys lost energy. Typically, sufferers require ten to twelve hours of slumber each night. A sleep duration that is less than that results in feelings of drowsiness and exhaustion throughout the day.
Characteristic symptoms may include:
- Feelings of fatigue at day time when sleep duration is less than 10 hours
- Habitually lengthy sleep patterns that begin in childhood
- Typically longer periods of sleep
Apart from the characteristic manifestations, the person with Long Sleeper Syndrome experiences no other symptoms. The condition is also hardly ever accompanied by other sleep disorders.
Nevertheless, sufferers of this condition may later report of developing various symptoms related to insomnia. These additional complications are deemed to be results of enduring short durations of sleep.
Causes Of Long Sleeper Syndrome
Studies have not yet uncovered the exact cause of Long Sleeper Syndrome. In addition, the syndrome has not been specifically attributed to any physiological aberration or genetic peculiarity. Be that as it may, a number of factors may be considered as common causes of the condition. These may include:
- Behavioral traits (worrisome, introverted)
- Depression
- Substance or alcohol abuse
Treatment And Management Of Long Sleeper Syndrome
People who are experiencing symptoms of Long Sleeper Syndrome do not really need specialized medical treatment. Medical intervention is only necessary when the condition resulted from a more serious illness that needs appropriate care.
The biggest challenge that long sleepers usually face is maintaining balance between their daily schedules and their sleeping patterns. More often than not, sufferers are advised to give in to the bodys required duration of sleep. However, the demands at work or in school may prevent long sleepers from indulging in sleep.
These factors may result in irregular sleeping patterns. At some point, lack or excess of sleep may start to affect a persons life – both socially and professionally. In cases such as these, he or she may consider getting professional help since certain modifications may need to be employed for a more normal sleeping and behavioral pattern.
There are actually a number of ways to cope with Long Sleeper Syndrome. These techniques include:
- Going to bed early to accommodate longer periods of sleep, yet still wake up in time for school or work.
- Reduction in intake or complete avoidance of alcoholic drinks, caffeine-rich beverages, and various medications that may affect sleeping pattern.
- Taking 30-minute to 1-hour naps during daytime.
In cases wherein certain emotional or physiological issues have brought about the deviation in normal sleeping patterns, a complete medical checkup may be necessary so as to recognize the causes and receive suitable treatment without delay.
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Last Updated on October 21, 2023