Lexapro, or the scientific name Escitalopram, is one of the popular treatments for anxiety and in some cases Obsessive Compulsive disorder. This article is intended for the reader that is going to take this product to become well-known with its side effects. The most common dosage of Lexapro is 10-20mg daily. The drug is not…
Category: Psychology
ADHD Bipolar Disorder
Testing for ADHD begins with several questionnaires -to adult family members, teachers, paraprofessionals, and school personnel who interact with the child. In addition, the child will be “monitored" by a trained professional who sits in the back of the class and views how the child interacts with others in his or her social structure. A…
What is Stress
In technical terms, stress is a disruption of homeostasis, triggered by either real or perceived physical or psychological stimuli. Simply put, action or thought disrupts normal balance. Stress is a term that is often used to describe many feelings or emotions. Anxiety, depression, distress, fear, and exhaustion are all feelings that can be described as…
What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Self-image is one of the ways in which one will often times look at them from a different type of reality. Your perceived image often causes a reaction from an individual. If this is brought to an extreme, it causes body dysmorphic disorder. This causes one to believe that they must continue to work on…
10 Warning Signs Of A Panic Attack
There are several types of panic disorders, the most common being a panic attack. While panic attacks don’t usually last for more than ten minutes, to say they can become detrimental to your way of living and your daily activities is an understatement. If you believe that you are having panic attacks, it is best…
Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder is a kind of anxiety people feel when they have excessive self-consciousness in the arena of everyday life. Those who have social anxiety disorder have serious problems carrying out simple tasks in a social setting because they have an over whelming and intense feeling that people are watching their every move, scrutinizing…
What is Postpartum Depression
Clinical depression is a problem that much of the world faces. Its a problem that were all familiar with, and much attention is paid to it. Postpartum depression is another serious form of depression that is often cast by the wayside. In this article, well discuss what postpartum depression is, as well as what treatments…
Types of Anxiety Disorders
There are different types of anxiety disorders, and each one is far beyond the general anxieties everyone faces in life due to negative stimuli. The term anxiety disorder is actually a very general one that could allude to several forms of anxieties. There are varying degrees of these conditions, some being merely phobias over a…
Asperger's Syndrome
When a child is born, each parent hopes their baby is normal. Physically this can be determined by physicians but as far as mental and psychological development of the child, this cannot be known until the infant has reached the toddler years. Autism in general is when a person has a developmental disability that affects…