What is Reiter’s Syndrome

There are more than 100 forms of arthritis, so it is no mystery why many people have never heard of Reiter’s Syndrome. Reiter’s Syndrome is a form of arthritis which affects the spine and the sacroiliac joints. This condition causes swelling, redness, warmth, and pain in the affected areas of the joints. Symptoms One typical…


Type 2 Diabetes

When the body does not respond properly to insulin, Type 2 Diabetes results. The majority of people with diabetes have Type 2 Diabetes. (Also known as Mature Onset Diabetes) This form of diabetes usually occurs in people aged over 30 years, but it can occur in overweight teenagers and even young children with a family…


Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes develops when the pancreas stops producing insulin. Insulin injections are necessary to treat Type 1 Diabetes. (Also known as Juvenile Onset Diabetes) Type 1 Diabetes occurs in about 10-15% of all cases of diabetes. It usually occurs in people under the age of 30, but can happen at any age. Type 1…


What is Snoring

Up to 40 percent of all American adults snore, but not many people are aware of what exactly causes snoring. How many people know what serious effects it can have on the health of you and those who live with you? Snoring is the rough sound that is produced when certain areas of the mouth…


Foods to Avoid for People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Eating smaller meals more often, or eating smaller portions, may help your irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms. Large meals can cause cramping and diarrhea if you have IBS. Eating foods that are low in fat and high in carbohydrates, such as pasta, rice, whole-grain breads and cereals, fruits, and vegetables, may help. Fiber may improve…


Does Insurance Cover Hormone Replacement Therapy

In order to alleviate some of the symptoms and side effects caused by menopause and removal of the ovaries, many women turn to hormone replacement therapy. The ovaries produce hormones that are important to help women balance their body. When menopause begins, the ovaries slow down and eventually stop production of these hormones. The same…


Narcolepsy Symptoms and Treatment

Narcolepsy is one of the most unusual and rare of all sleep disorders. Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder and medical condition which causes chronic and uncontrollable instances of daytime sleepiness. A person with narcolepsy can experience the sudden onset of sleepiness and fall asleep at a moment’s notice. They may drop whatever they happen to…


What Fruit is Highest in Vitamin C

Finding out what fruit is highest in Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) may help determine how best to manage certain arthritis treatment programs. The key, however, lies in what type of arthritis afflicts the sufferer. For those suffering with osteoarthritis of the knee, for instance, Vitamin C may do more harm than help. In experiments with…


How to Get More Vitamin D in Your Diet

Doctors agree that learning how to get more Vitamin D in your diet may be a preventative arthritis treatment. Scientists involved in the Iowa Women’s Health Study declare that women with more Vitamin D in their diets have less incidence of rheumatoid arthritis. Studying more than 30,000 women over a period of 11 years, the…
