How to Get More Vitamin D in Your Diet

Doctors agree that learning how to get more Vitamin D in your diet may be a preventative arthritis treatment. Scientists involved in the Iowa Women’s Health Study declare that women with more Vitamin D in their diets have less incidence of rheumatoid arthritis. Studying more than 30,000 women over a period of 11 years, the…


Asperger's Syndrome

When a child is born, each parent hopes their baby is normal. Physically this can be determined by physicians but as far as mental and psychological development of the child, this cannot be known until the infant has reached the toddler years. Autism in general is when a person has a developmental disability that affects…


Parkinson’s Disease Misdiagnosis

Even with Parkinson’s disease having quite idiosyncratic features, it is a relatively difficult disease to diagnose, especially in its early stages. There are no specific tests which doctors can do to positively diagnose Parkinson’s disease and in particular, in it’s early stages it can be mistaken for other diseases. If and when this happens, it…


Symptoms of Parkinsons Disease

The earliest symptom of Parkinsons Disease is most often limb tremors, particularly when the body is at rest. For most people diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease, their first warning comes when a leg suddenly starts shaking while theyre laying in bed, and wont stop. The tremor can involve a hand, a foot, a leg or an…


What Is Levodopa (L-Dopa)

The drug levodopa, also known as L-dopa, has been used since the 1960s as the primary drug treatment for Parkinson’s Disease. Levodopa is a natural substance that is found in both plants and animals. The compound is actually a precursor to dopamine, and unlike dopamine, it is able to cross the blood-brain barrier. As a…



Acetylcholine is a chemical messenger made by your nerves. Some medicines that are used to treat various neurological conditions work by stopping acetylcholine from doing its job. Acetylcholine (ACh) was first identified in 1914 by Henry Hallett Dale for its actions on heart tissue. It was confirmed as a neurotransmitter by Otto Loewi. Both received…


Alzheimers Disease History

Named after Alois Alzheimers, a German psychologist, Alzheimer’s disease gives the impression of being a disease of the twentieth century; however, the various disorders which comprise the disease have probably existed for centuries. This disease is named after Dr. Alzheimer, but his colleague Emil Kraepelin was just as important in the discovery of the disease.…


What is a Migraine?

We’ve all heard the term before, but what exactly is a migraine headache? And how does it differ from other headache types? One way to tell it’s a migraine is by the length of time it lasts. A migraine isn’t going to go away in a half-hour. Unless you are very, very, very lucky. Chances…


Famous Migraine Sufferers

Think youre alone in suffering from migraines? When the really bad ones hit, it certainly seems as you alone are the only suffering. As a matter of fact, however, not only are migraines incredibly common, but some of the most famous and well-known people in history have suffered from this debilitating neurological disease. Not only…
